
To my Brewconomy Kickstarter Backers: we have news for you!

August 2015 was the deadline we set to deliver your backer rewards. We’re hustling to get everything to you in the next 30 days, so there are some steps you need to take now to make it happen.

Backers, please do the following:

  1. Log on to to get the latest update or check your email inbox. All of the details about the Backer Night are available in the latest update. Mark your calendars and make plans now. We would love to see you and say thank you in person!
  2. Log on to view your backer reward level, so you know what rewards to expect. The reward level you chose during the campaign determines what rewards you’ll receive.
  3. UPDATE YOUR MAILING ADDRESS immediately if you’ve moved recently. We don’t want your rewards going to the wrong address or getting lost in the mail. Be sure we have the right address on file by signing into

That’s it! Easy peasy.


Some of you have asked about upcoming screenings. We’re working hard on additional screenings statewide in 2015. We are in the midst of improving that process right now to better meet demand, so please stay tuned. We’ll have more news about it soon.

We will share all breaking news via email so please sign up here or use the form in the side bard on this site. HINT: People on that email list get info first, which means they get first dibs on tickets. Since we’ve sold out a few screenings, I encourage you to sign up!

Huge, huge thanks to everyone who has supported the making of this film, sharing and screening it, and telling your friends to watch it. We truly appreciate your passion and encouragement. It’s great to be in the company of people who love North Carolina craft beer and independent film as much as we do!

Here’s our official trailer if you want to share it with a friend!